We have three core themes that we work with,
Health and
Education Aid program aims at changing the lives of students and graduates who are OVCS around the country and Rwenzori region in particular by providing them with the financial support they need to obtain to start and complete their education. This is accomplished by alleviating their financial burdens and debt obligations through two Support Programs; the Support a Student Scholarship Program and the Student Loan Assistance Program. Many disadvantaged students do not have the financial resources to pay for non-tuition related expenses and ultimately end up dropping out of school. After school, many graduates cannot afford to make their student loan payments and are forced to go into default. Education Aid’s Support Programs identify these individuals, and provide them with the financial support they need to complete their degrees and reduce their risk of default.
Implementing Maternal Health and Child survival project to address; Maternal Infant and young child nutrition preventive health. Elimination of Mother to child transmission. Family planning, Preventive health care (alternately preventive medicine, preventive health care/Medicine, or prophylaxis) consists of measures taken for disease prevention, as opposed to disease treatment to help people stay health. The idea is to nip diseases in the bud before they become catastrophic to keep health care costs low. Curative Health care, also called curative medicine, health care traditionally oriented towards seeking a cure for an existent disease or medical condition. Construction of Health centers in areas with inadequate health services in liason with District Local Governments..
Revised criteria for identification, admission, and discharge of infants and children Training of mothers and caregivers to identify acute malnutrition in their children to facilitate early case detection and referral for treatment Offer guidance on vitamin A supplementation in the treatment of severe acute malnutrition Management of severe acute malnutrition in HIV-infected children Assessment and case management of at-risk mothers and infants under 6 months A combined protocol for treating severe and moderate acute malnutrition Strengthening the health system, including planning and managing increased demand for services addressing acute malnutrition